Sunday, November 4, 2018

Monster Hydro Manic Melon

This is my second flavor of the Monster Hydro line-up. I got all of them from a Petro-Canada gas station for $3.79 per bottle. Check out my review of the Tropic Thunder.


This smells both amazing and with a hint of some dangerous chemical. The first whiff is of a red Jolly Rancher but if you smell it a bit too long, you get an odd chemical/medicinal scent. Just take short whiffs or don't pour this into a glass.

The taste is a similar blend of awesomeness and danger. It starts off watery, but as the beverage travels along the tongue, the flavors intensify and it does taste at times like a red Jolly Rancher. I also got dried fruits towards the end, which kicked this up a notch. Buuuut, I also tasted a short-lived plastic flavor as if the bottle was left in the Sun for a bit too long. I enjoyed the flavor, but overall, the scent and the odd bits of flavor lost some points.


As with all the other Hydros, there are 138 mg of caffeine in the bottle. The effects are also similar, which is why I will recycle some words here.

I started to feel the effects within 10 minutes, which manifested themselves through a mild shaky leg. Damn those sugars (25 grams in the bottle by the way). The rest of the energy started coming in another 10 minutes later with my mind clearing up from the morning fog and me getting the urge to go down to the gym. The kick was fairly clean and lasted for almost 2 hours.

Cost - $3.79
Taste - 8/10
Energy - 7/10

Overall - 15/20...I generally like melon and this would have been a killer flavor if it had its edges rounded off a bit more

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