Here is another interesting product to add to my growing anti-energy section. I find it as a bit of a surprise for someone to use Bob Marley's image for a drink, but on the other hand, a relaxation beverage fits his image perfectly. Well, I drink this to you Bob Marley.
For those who don't know, these drinks actually come in a variety of flavours. I have had the pleasure of trying a couple before writing this review and I can tell you for sure that the tea-based ones are excellent.
The berry one, on the other hand, is more like a soda and even though the label states that it is lightly carbonated, it is not. Not only does it drink like a soda, but it also tastes like one too - it is sweet and the berry flavour is strong, but not well defined. You know it tastes like berries, but it is hard to tell which ones. I was able to detect a bit of raspberries in the aftertaste, and some strawberries at the start, but it all just sort of blends while you are drinking it. Don't take this the wrong way, this does not taste bad, it is just not well defined.
In addition to the berry taste, the relaxation ingredients also have an effect. They give the beverage a bit of an earthy tone which I welcomed very much as it took the sugar edge off...just a little. They are not strong to the point of wrecking your enjoyment, but can definitely be tasted.
I thought the berry flavour was OK, but I much prefer the tea-based ones. I hope to find them again the near future and this time write a review.
I cracked open this can about a little less than 2 hours before my normal bed time and drank it, while reading some of my RSS feeds, over the course of half an hour. By the end of that half hour, I definitely started to feel something. I was a bit more relaxed and was able to focus on articles and actually read them thoroughly and not just skim them. This focused period was shorter than I wanted it to be and I fell victim to this drink's relaxation effects.
Less than an hour into this drink, I was starting to feel the desire to go to bed early and skip my evening reading time. It was hard, but I fought the urge and stayed up.
Bob Marley's Mellow Mood...you do a pretty good job at mellowing me out. Good job. Just one suggestion, add less sugar for two main reasons - to avoid a sugar rush before bed and to curb the sweetness a bit.
Check out the other Marley's:
Cost - $1.99 from the Hasty Market
Taste - 7/10
Performance - 7.5/10
Overall - 14.5/20...does what it promises, but it could do it with less sugar
I just drank two of those Marley Mellow mood! I get stressed out at work and this really does it for me. I expect I'll sleep better and not wake up at 3am and then just lie there for hours.
ReplyDeleteTastes okay and works!
Did u drink the two 7 hrs apart?
DeleteI boughtwill one forand my boyfriend who ridiculedi me for buying itthe and hafter a week and ecxtreem bordome i tookwill it out. No. I drank one and i thought i was going to trip or start convolsing. Maybe throw up but the fact of the matter is i am a true looser for even buying the stuff. But with the all natural label and located as the end cap for the whole foods section at Hannifords i thought it might be ok. AND IT WAS NOT.
DeleteDo not ever drink this or u are a fucking looser. I thought i was going to trip, convolse or get sick. Not what it claims to be. And my bf ridiculed me for even buying it.
DeleteGod your a fucking idiot. seriously. Fill your pockets full of wrenches and wade into the ocean, you useless fuck! That is all.
Deleteits a relaxing drink, but it sounds like your trying to make more of its potential than it really has. is the rumor that one can is equal to a Xanax not enough? be careful with it. if people start figuring out that it really is somewhat mind altering, "they" may try to ban it, like k2 (I am aware that someone will ridicule me for that k2 part, but just as salvia, all it can take is one significant overdose to ruin it for everyone else.) -anon 2
ReplyDeletedo u need to be a certain age to buy it?
Deleteno, I found it in a convenience store and they did not card me to make the purchase. I would assume that it is universally sold across the US in a similar way, as it is not a very large-market beverage, but you may want to check into your local laws.
DeleteTrying to cut back on weed so I drink this to fall asleep and relax
ReplyDeletehahahaha me 2
Deletehahahah me too!
DeleteI quit smoking the herb for my new job and these may be my crutch as well! I had a citrus can and it tastes dece and seems to work. I was like damn this must be the real deal once I read the label- do not drive or operate heavy machinery! One can might be enough for me.
DeleteWell said I find it very difficult to sleep now that im not smoking the ganja but these drinks help very well with calming me down and relaxing, wish it would knock me out though and also if you guys are tired of buying these buy a bottle of melatonin tablets they're pretty cheap for a large quantity just remember 1000 mcgs equal 1 mg so there's 2000 mcgs in each drink
Deletelow life bitches.
Delete^ ^.... Hahaha
DeleteHaha I'm quitting for a while for work too and I was trying to find something to relax me. And sir you are a bitch not I.
DeleteHahaha i just quit for work and now have insomnia or some shit because of it. These help alot
DeleteI drank one of these at work along with a 10mg Xanax. The berry flavor does taste generically berryish. It reminded me of Fruit Roll-ups. I'm not sure exactly how long afterwards I fell asleep, but I was able to wake up slightly after my shift was over.
ReplyDeleteI've tried the green tea one as well. Both had great flavors, so I might have to give the black tea one a try too.
I've also tried Lazy Cakes/Lazy Larry and they just made me feel incredibly sleepy. Marley's Mellow Mood had a much better effect in my opinion.
with ur xanax add in some kava kava, that will be real fast day of work, little caffeine too. ooo wee
DeleteThe don't make 10mg Xanax. 2mg bars are the highest you'll get, unless you go with 3mg XR. 10mg would knock you out if you don't have a high tolerance.
Indeed. It sounds like the person has either an established habit, or was referring to valium. In either case, i very much doubt the drink had an effect greater then the extremely powerful benzodiazapines (which are totally unrelated to the "valerian" root extract no matter how much valerian and valium sound alike).
DeleteAs a general warning, benzos are one of the few drugs (along with alcohol) whose withdrawal can KILL you, so please be careful!
If you took 10mg's of xanax at once you might not wake up never mind the drink.
Delete10mg's of xanax my ass!
Deletei smoked a blunt then drank a bottle, my eyes were so heavy i couldnt keep em open. btw maybe she meant valium^^
DeleteYou mean 1.0 mg's of xanax?
Delete10 mgs of xanax is not a lethal dose.
DeleteI'm currently drinking one right now in class and I'm already feeling the calming effects. It's not as great as smoking a few bowls but it does the job.
ReplyDeleteJust tried my first Marley's Mellow Mood and wow, I'm very impressed. I had the Black Tea - Peach Raspberry Passion Fruit. At first I questioned the flavor combination but it's very tastey. The passion fruit seems to overpower the other flavors, but passion fruit usually has that effect in my opinion. I seem to be hypersensitive to everything! So this kicked in pretty quickly. It's definitely helpful if you have a high-stress job and just need to chill. It may be all in my head but I seem to concentrate better after drinking this tea. I'm not sure why anyone would compare this to smoking weed though, would potsmokers even drink this if Bob Marley wasn't on the bottle? Just a thought, but this in no way compares to that lovely herb called Marijuana and I can't see myself using it as a substitute.
ReplyDeleteI love these they sold them at school but then bandded then I wounder why...:P
ReplyDeletecool story bro.
ReplyDeleteyour a dick ya know that?
DeleteFuck me baby. im wet
Deletesuck my stinkin balls
DeleteTry your other hand
Deletethat's really nothing to do with the drink, and everything to do with you - autosuggestion, perhaps? anyway, that's a damned rare occurrence in relation to valerian, although not *totally* out of the picture… it's hardly a cause of any sort of long term effect therein. Sorry you're having problem with your penis… and your cap-lock key. perhaps you should switch the two :)
Deletelol the melatonin in it is a natural sleep aid and is what causes the drowsiness.... you got the internet people! Google it! (:
DeleteI drink it to calm down and it really helps with anxiety. I went from shaking because I was getting so mad and trying to hide it. So stressed out in a few seconds of talking to my all time enemy my kids father . I drank one and I'm almost fully relaxed :)
Delete^^^ That's exactly why I want to try it! Lol, I feel like I get anxiety sometimes while talking to people. Hopefully it'll help but I wonder if it's really strong enough to make it not safe to drive....
Deletethis drink is amazing i suggest trying
ReplyDeleteWho does reviews like this? Who are you exactly? Lol. Anyways I just slammed one back and I've been laying on my couch since. It's the melotonin that's in the drink. Melatonin is an all natural sleep aid that you can find in any pharmacy. Shit knocks your ass out.
ReplyDeleteWho does reviews like your's, a person who think they know it all. "slamming back one" it's not a beer, and if all you do all day is lay on couch and "slamm" things back, you're probably not gonna have the metabolism to process and get any uses out of the herbs.
DeleteEpic Like hahaha
Deleteomg we canadians have hilarious humor hahah i love you all black white and purple.
Deleteas well as the Valerian root extract which was used by witch doctors of the such for hundreds of years as a vision inducer/sleep aid
ReplyDeleteMelatonin does not "knock your ass out" there are 1.5 mg of it in the 41 mg of the blend, thats less then avg recommended dose for bedtime regulation. And I personally take up to 30mg for lucid dreaming affects.
ReplyDeleteholy S 30mg of melantonin, If i take more than one 3 mg tab i have near migraines the whole next day
Deleteum, FWIW, melatonin is actually more active at LOWER ranges, so the 1.5 mg is actually better for people then the 5mg pills.. truth. Taking 30mg is a bad idea -- not because it will hurt you outright, but because it is a needless abuse - like eating too much salt. Don't do that.
DeleteWell, it sure knocked me out... I am taking the "do not operate heavy machinery" on the label seriously... I drank this and had absolutely no problem falling asleep, the only problem was that I had to get homework done....
ReplyDeletejust had my first marley.. its simply freakin awesome!
i just drank one for the first time and i agree its freakin awesome it took me forever to find them but it was worth it.
ReplyDeleteJust drank my first also... The berry....Eh.. its alright.. i can get through the whole thing but only 76% enjoysble.. that said im about done.. dont know if its cuz im reading about being relaxed or what but it seems to be makin me chill.... idk.. mellitonin i take anyway sometimes.. shit works wonders....nothing like weed though.. i can see how it would maybe save me a bowl b4 bed...
ReplyDeleteThis shit got you back chillin in a dope mood, ahh
ReplyDeleteCan you get them if you're under aged ?
ReplyDeleteI don't see why not. It will probably be the same as buying an energy drink.
DeleteI'm sure they'll be banned soon. Anything that does anything and doesn't come from an approved drug company is 'unsafe', our society is fucked.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it. If that were so energy drinks would be long since banned.
DeleteAloha, the combo of Valerian root, Melatonin and Ava root did me good while trying to get REM during sleep after working graveyard shift, even with the light and sounds associated with the daylight hours.
ReplyDeleteit IS in fact lightly carbonated. just like red bull
ReplyDeletei drank 3 in 5minutes 45 minutes ago and nothing happened
ReplyDeleteI know right
DeleteWell how about you sober up from your opium party and then try
Deletethen get a gf an maby somthing will happen.
Deleteshit works lol
ReplyDeleteI tried the citris, berry, black n the green tea, all are great. The relaxation blend ingredient it has Melatonin. What dat is, if its hard for you to get pregnant, melatonin regulate the reproductive cycle. Thats great for anyone who wnts to get pregnant. It speed the egg up.
ReplyDelete"I find it as a bit of a surprise for someone to use Bob Marley's image for a drink, but on the other hand, a relaxation beverage fits his image perfectly." Why would you find it surprising to have bob marley on a relaxation drink? Seems like you wrote that line as a filler for the introduction...
ReplyDeleteGood point, but I found it surprising that someone would use the image of a dead musician. I am not a huge Marley fan so I cannot say whether or not he would have agreed with this if he were alive today.
DeleteThis stuff works pretty well, makes me a bit tired and relaxed after about half an hour.
DeleteHow many of you searched a review while drinking one? I surely did. Goodnight
ReplyDeleteI did.
DeleteI did too
DeleteI didn't. I drank mine to get the taste of shrooms out of my mouth.
DeleteIt says not to have more than 2 a day, and not any closer than four hours. Well, I decided to go against the label. I downed two of them within about 30 minutes. An hour later I crawled into bed, several hours early for me. Amazing stuff. Going to start buying it by the case - I have a stressful job and sometimes I have issues getting sleep.
ReplyDeleteI like to drink one, take an ambien and try to masturbate before I pass out......I win either way
ReplyDeleteBob marleys family created the drink people, that's why his picture is on it, procedes go to his charity " one love" there objective is to create world peace, hence the 'mellow mood'
ReplyDeleteIt's good with Benzos!
ReplyDeleteIm drinking it right now lol its amazing, relaxes me like Gumby
ReplyDeletei just drank 2 cans and 15 milligrams of clorazapate and i feel groovy...wavy gravy baby
ReplyDeletemy friend overdoess on this
ReplyDeleteDoubt it, you'd fall asleep with this before you'd overdose unless you were chugging them
Deleteit seems to work. but id bet its a psych thing. like if someone ripped off the label and said it was snapple, you wouldnt feel anything because your not expecing anything.
ReplyDelete10 mg Valium & a Black Tea Peach Raspberry Passion Fruit has me leaning like a kick stand. It says do not mix with alcohol. I wonder why. I wanna sip a couple Landsharks.
ReplyDeletewhy does it work? anyone know what the active ingredients here might be? thanks
ReplyDeleteTHC, opiates, and coca leaf extract.
DeleteAt first I was frightened, because the can had a picture of a black man on it, but after a few sips I wasn't raped and my car was still in the driveway, so I began to relax.
ReplyDeleteWorks great, especially if you're over stressed in suburbia.
wow LMFAO!!!!
Deletejus be drinkin it and i pretty buzzed.
ReplyDeletei drink it. i like the taste and i do feel relaxed when taking it
ReplyDeleteFeels like the Marlster himself shot a stream of his musky magic polyamorous mojo right down my throat.
Slept, and dreamed of magneta fishies, in silurian seas.
Totally groovy, whish I could find it by the case.
does anyone know where to buy it by the case?
ReplyDeleteWholesale Superstore in Ontario carries them by the case. Not sure about other provinces or countries.
DeleteDrank one along with dub of course and vaporizer combo , My eyes were closing shut and went to bed 30min later. Had a cool dream I worked at a restaurant as a waiter. Something I've never done. That dream was incredibly vivid . Didn't even know where I was when I woke up at 2 in the morning fell asleep around 8pm that evening.
ReplyDeleteYeah stuff works 1 can 1 joint , awesome dream totally was ready for early bed time.
ReplyDeleteI just bought 3 bob marleys' mellow half and halfs(same ingredients, valerian root, ect. extracts) and downed all 3 plus a hemp tea and a melatonin packed New(more potent) relaxation brownie(heck, even the seller was like, I don't take those because they are SO melatonin-PACKED. Oh, and I'm also taking 300 MG of XR Seroquel. I just felt like shit today, like not wanting to live and not wanting to die. So, I wanna feel chillaxed the FUCK out tonight, POPE EVENT is going on. FUCK it. No pope has ever been good, only God is good. Rich is not the kingdom of Heaven, Poor is. So I do not fear the arising of a so-called "ANTICHRIST" and I don't expect the coming of Christ as a thieve in the night today because I truly feel that nothing exponential is going to happen. All I really look forward to is a REALLY HARDCORE LUCID DREAM or ACTION-PACKED OBE... Yeah, I know how to Really connect to the spirit or demon world. This morning I fucking levitated. I started to fly until I woke up, probably concerned about making it to work on time today since I accidentally overdose on Seroquel(took 2, instead of 1), but I thought I had taken one the day prior so I asked my mom for another(mistake) oh well. . .Felt really depressed today. . . But FUCK SATAN. He can lick my balls. My emotions and general health is in my HANDS. Not his. Anyway, bye.
ReplyDeletebitch approve my message. I did not spend half an hour writing that for nothing.c >.< I love you bye
ReplyDeleteI love it. have one each night before bed
ReplyDeleteIt has Sweeteners inside of it I thought it was Healty but thats NO GO for me anymore, it says sugar and sweeteners, wichone, this is worser than saying the truth in your face, and after the mango mellow mood i had it tasted that there is ASPARTAAN in it, bweeek i will make my own beverages again, have plenty of healty herbs from the organic store, UNHEALTY GUYS!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what's in these. I drank half of one and felt ill...
ReplyDeleteI would NOT recommend anyone drink this... Don't be fooled by the term 100% natural or the fact it's got Bob's image on it.
i bought this the day it was release and it said KAVA KAVA as an ingredient. i was in love, finally a drink that will work. but after those 3 were gone i went back and the ingredients is kava less????? hmm weird. its not the same as the og recipe but i love chillo or cannabis energy drink for a chill drink
ReplyDeletechillo energy with a doob is nice.
ReplyDeletevery simple herbs. it is effective. but people saying they were knock out??? idk. unless valerian and lemon balm usually knocked you out//needs some hemp seed and kava.
ReplyDeleteget some chillo or cannabis energy drink. it is quit chill.no thc but i swear it chills me out.
ReplyDeleteI had some of this not to long ago and I found myself so relaxed, man. No speech problem, at ease, etc. Chamomile by itself makes me feel sleepy, so chamomile mixed with all of those other relaxing teas, WOAH lol.
ReplyDeleteI did a review on it also: http://www.pharmapunk.com/marleys-mellow-mood-review/
I funnel hot tar into my ass with road cones...
ReplyDeleteWhere can I get this is the South? I searched for places in Texas to buy this and I can't find it. I used to drink this all the time when I lived in the Midwest.
ReplyDeleteDrank half of this, didnt feel anything. Woke up the next morning and was out of it for the next 2 days. Didn't realize that it was the drink and drank the other half right after i felt better. never again.
ReplyDeleteFasting is much easier while you're asleep and sleeping all day doesn't invalidate the fast. Increases stamina