I have high expectations for this one following yesterday's review of Recovery Grape. I am already impressed with can design...though I should rather say the color choice, as the can design is about the same. The orange jumps out and does not look like a cheap like other orange flavoured beverages.
Just opening the can fills the space in front of my nose with a pleasant orange aroma that might just wake you up early in the morning. The taste, though...it is not bad, nor is it as good as I expected it to be. I was expecting something along the lines of HyDrive's Vitamin Formula, or even something like an orange Gatorade. Instead I got an above average orange taste with very little of complimentary flavours like tangerine. There is some citric acid, which adds a bit of sourness to the taste and gives the aftertaste a refreshing character. The aftertaste, like other Recovery flavours, is affected by the artificial sweetener.
The problem, I believe, is that it is easy to make an orange flavoured drink, but it is very hard to make a great tasting orange flavoured drink. I have had a great number of orange drinks, both caffeinated and non-caffeinated, and only a handful come close to the taste of the real thing.
Don't get me wrong, this tastes great and its non-carbonated nature makes it a great morning drink that will wake you up with its caffeine and orange taste, but I wanted more. If there was more of a tangerine flavour and just a touch more citric acid, this drink will be excellent.
The can contains the standard 160 mg of caffeine and the drink works in a manner similar to the grape Recovery drink I had yesterday.
Cost - $2.99
Taste - 8.4/10
Energy - 7.9/10
Overall - 16.3/20...great, but could have been awesome with a little more work
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