Monday, December 21, 2009

Venga Brainstorm Review

I started seeing this product this summer, but never considered buying it until just yesterday. I thought that this is something similar to Vitamin Water, but it turned out to be a "non-carbonated tea infusion, enhanced with fruit juices and vitamins." Look at all the good stuff in this drink - rooibos tea, gingko biloba, panax ginseng, antioxidants, vitamins B1, B6 and B12. The beverage is not as expensive as energy drinks, but is not as cheap as most vitamin waters at $2.59 per 532 mL bottle.

Upon opening the bottle I was greeted by a sharp pomegranate and blueberry aroma with a medicinal undertone. The taste is much, much better. I wasn't able to detect the presence of ginseng, gingko biloba or rooibos, but the taste of pomegranate and blueberry is very strong. The drink is sweeter than vitamin waters, but it is not as sweet as the juice equivalents so you can drink the entire bottle without experiencing a sugar build up. Towards the end of the bottle, I was, however, experiencing a ginseng taste build up in the back of my throat. It is not an unpleasant taste, but it is just there. The aftertaste is fairly good - a bit sour with hints of pomegranate and blueberries. Overall, this is a fairly good drink, but it does not have the same effects as a can of Red Bull or Monster. I even think you would be better off drinking an energy shot to gain that "mental advantage". Not only will you have to drink less to feel energized, you will not feel bloated at the end.

Cost - $2.59 CAD for a 532 mL bottle
Taste - 8.9/10

Overall - 8.9/10...can't compare it to energy drinks and I didn't experience any brain stimulation, but the taste was pretty good

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