Monday, September 12, 2016

Xyience Fruit Punch Energy Drink

Here is another Xyience courtesy of Energy Drink Heaven. If you are curious to find out what I thought of the Bang Fruit Punch (you know, for science), check out my review.


This Xyience has a nice red color and looks just like a real fruit punch. The aroma is full of various berries, and I can clearly pick out cherries, cranberries and raspberries. The flavor is shockingly good all throughout. It starts off on a lightly sweet note with mellow raspberries, but quickly transitions to lip-puckering sour with bold cranberry and sour cherry flavors. Then comes in something that could only be described as a mix of slightly sweet black cherries and lemon/lime.

This doesn't even taste like a sugar-free drink. The only reminder you will get is far into the aftertaste when light sweetener notes start peeking from beneath the tartness. This is probably my favorite Xyience so far.


There are 176 mg of caffeine in the can and the effects are comparable to every other Xyience I have tried. I felt awake within 10-15 minutes and focused for another 15-20 until the caffeine was fully absorbed and pumping through my body...which made me want to get up and run around. The kick lasted for almost 4 hours and I did not experience a crash. Maybe that was because I had plenty of sleep.

Cost - courtesy of Energy Drink Heaven
Taste - 8.9/10
Energy - 8.2/10

Overall - 17.1/20...surprisingly good fruit punch

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