Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cobra Green Apple Energy Drink Review

This is the cheapest energy drink I have purchased - $0.48 CAD. There was some corrosion near the base of the can and the top was a bit dirty, but it's not like I will be drinking from the base of the can.

The drink is a little weird - it poured like a beer with a medium, creamy head. Its color was deep and green, not a very natural one. It didn't smell very appetizing. It smelled like Ben-Gay with mixed with Tiger Balm and an apple scent tossed in to cover the medicinal ingredients. Yep, it tastes similarly with a horrible, very hard to swallow medicinal taste. Once again, the apple flavouring has been added in an attempt to mask the horrible taste. They should have added a lot more of it and some more citric acid for that sour taste and burn. I had two sips of this and had to stop there. Cobra Green Apple, you are the worst tasting energy drink I have ever had. Congratulations.

No need to describe the energy effects of this drink on me since I only had 2 small sips. The label does not state the caffeine content, but I think it is low since the only possible caffeine sources is guarana. There is ginkgo biloba, but I don't think that contains any caffeine. The nutritional information label does not state the the serving size, but I find it hard to be one can, 355 mL.

Cost - $0.48 CAD for a 355 mL bottle
Taste - 0/10
Energy - unknown

Overall - not worthy of a score as everything about this drink from the label to its taste is absolutely horrible

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