It tastes a lot like a raspberry soda, but a bit less sweet... only at first. The aftertaste is very similar to the one you get from drinking sugary raspberry pop drinks and lasts for a while. It doesn't seem to be mixed with any other flavors like a lot of the other mocktails are. I don't understand why this flavor was turned into a "mocktail". You can already buy raspberry carbonated drinks from the LobLaws/Zehrs/Superstore chain. Although it tastes OK, this mocktail flavor is the one I would buy last - it has nothing exciting to offer. If I ever felt like drinking a carbonated raspberry drink, I would buy a 2L bottle, which will be cheaper and contain a lot more raspberry goodness.
Cost - 10/10...same as all the other mocktails - $2.99 CAD
Taste - 6.1/10...not a big raspberry drink fan, nothing too exciting or new here
Overall - 16.1/20...meh, looks like high score, but it should be much lower when judged solely on its taste
Read about the other Mocktail flavours I have tried:
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