Monday, October 19, 2009

Jolt Ultra: Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

Yes it is sugar free, but it was cheap. I got this huge can for only $1.99. My new goal is to track down as many of these jolt drinks as possible. It is hard, because their popularity has gone downhill in the past few years. I remember walking in 7-11, a few years ago, and seeing at least 4-5 different jolt drinks. Now, I consider myself lucky if I see 1 kind. I got this particular one from a store in our building.

Has a lemon-lime flavour that is sweet yet sour. It tastes a lot like a diet sprite, but more sour. The artificial sweetener is dominant in the finish and not so much in the taste while drinking. The artificial sweetness really picks up in the finish as you continue drinking this. There is absolutely no medicine taste unlike some energy drinks. I drank most of it quickly in left a little bit in the bottle. After a couple of hours, the flat Jolt tasted like a badly mixed, watered down Kool-Aid with an artificial sweetener. It is not a bad sugar free energy drink, but I like the taste of the regular drinks.

This 695 mL can contains a staggering amount of caffeine, way more than I was expecting - 278 mg. The ones I was buying years ago contained around 140 - 160 mg of caffeine, but I drank it slowly so I did not experience any jitters, just a huge energy boost, which I maintained for 4-5 hours. After that, it started to slowly die. In total I was energetic for 5 to 6 hours, but remember that I drank this slowly. If I were to jug it real quick, I would expect a huge burst of energy with some jitters.

Cost - $1.99 CAD for a 695 mL can
Taste - 7.4/10
Energy - 9/10...only because I took my time

Overall - 16.4/20...not a bad sugar free energy drink and the caffeine content is quite high

Check out the other Jolt drinks I have tried:

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